Monday, November 1, 2010

Homemade Pellets Trap

Fours Cat Pochas

Estas delicadas galletitas , reciben semejante nombre porque su forma es similar a la lengua de los gatos. Por su delicado sabor , estas ligeras y crujientes galletitas , pueden servirse como acompañamiento de un soufflé dulce o helados , también son perfectas para servirse solas con el café o el . Les dejo aquí la receta de las lenguas de gato , es sumamente fácil de realizar. Espero les guste esta opción y puedan hacerlas, I'm sure they will like.

Lenguas de gato
Recipe Ingredients:
- 100 grams of icing sugar
- 100 grams of butter
at room temperature - 1 / 2 teaspoon vanilla extract or
- 3 egg whites slightly beaten
- 100 grams of flour

Recipe Preparation:
- Preheat oven to 200 º C.
- Grease two baking sheets with melted butter and place in refrigerator.
- With a wooden spoon or a mixer, beat the icing sugar and butter .
- When mixture is light and has a light color, add the vanilla .
- Add the egg whites gradually and stirring constantly. trying to get the mixture is not cut, but if this happens, add a good pinch of flour already calculated.
- Sift flour into a bowl .
- Use a spoon to incorporate the flour to butter mixture, stirring a bit until it is well mixed.
- Place mixture in a pastry bag with 7 mm nozzle. in diameter.
- Join languages 8 cm. long, to fill the baking sheet, greased before. Leave at least 5cm. separation between each cookie , since that will grow in volume during cooking.
- Bake 7 to 10 minutes, or until they are gold edge and yellow center.
- Use a spatula or knife to remove the cookies plate while they are still customers. If they cool, you can pass to break the move, in this case re-type it in the oven to warm briefly.
- Repeat with all mixture, taking into account preparation of the plates as indicated above.

- The Cat languages \u200b\u200bcan be used for lining molds are then filled with creamy mixtures, such as a mousse . Place the filled molds in the refrigerator for the cream is thick and can be removed by easily.
- You can also use the cat languages, to put on the sides of cakes The cream coated .
- The Cat languages, you can retain up to 2 weeks if they are stored in an airtight container.

classic Dessert Recipes:
- Custard
- Tiramisu
- chocolate soufflé


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