Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Washing fruits and vegetables, cheese

currently used more and more pesticides in the production of fruits and vegetables . In most cases the remains of these products in food , mainly in the skin of the same. It is also common for many fruits , such as apples they pass some kind of wax to add shine and thus make them look more attractive, this wax is also in the shell food.

This forces us to take extra care with hygiene and therefore to wash our fruits and vegetables , since water can not remove the rest of these chemicals, que además no son buenos para la salud. Es por ello que si vamos a consumir frutas y verduras con cáscara es conveniente limpiarlas con bicarbonato de sodio .

El bicarbonato de sodio , elimina bacterias y el resto de los químicos que pueden presentar nuestras frutas y verdura . Además de que el bicarbonato de sodio no es toxico, también es muy bueno para el estomago, y se digiere perfectamente.

Lavado de frutas y verduras


- Agua

- Bicarbonato de Sodio

- Fruta o verduras a limpiar


- In a bowl or sink put plenty of water.
- For every 2 or 3 liters of water, put a tablespoon of baking soda .
- Place fruits and vegetables in water for at least 15 minutes.
- If the water does not fully cover the fruits and vegetables , what we do is leave fruits and vegetables for 15 minutes on one side and then we turn and leave another 15 minutes at least.
- Then rinse all fruits and vegetables with running water.
- Let them drain and dry it and then save it.

- is appropriate once we bought the fruits and vegetables , wash them and then save them all. This is much more practical and ensures that the fruit and vegetables , we have been cleared.
- Strawberries and lettuce is best washed in water and vinegar.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Burst Capillaries On Foreskin


de1991 Since May is dedicated to this specialty with excellent results, doing a really traditional, both clean and in future restoration.
A good cleaning any piece of leather is achieved through a perfect balance between traditional dedication of the specialist and the selection of materials of the highest quality. Leather goods commonly used in general longer than tissue before taking to the cleaners, so the dirt sinks in deeper and holds more strongly.
Although any type of leather is a very strong material, all consecutive work processes must be coordinated to clean the clothes worn, with real carefully and thoroughly. Starting from the classification, control, and manual spotting prior to cleaning process básica, cada una de las operaciones debe ser adaptada a las características específicas de cada diversidad de  cueros.
Y esto no es muy sencillo cuando se tiene en cuenta cuantas diferentes clases de acabados se presentan a la limpieza: pekari, napalán, nappa, nobuck, oveja, cuero de cabra, cordero, ciervo, cabretilla, serrajes,satinados flotter,crazzy, etc.
Ciertamente que la limpieza correcta del cuero
es un trabajo de verdaderos especialistas.
La nutrición correcta con aprestos proporciona un tacto agradable, pero ante todo una alta durabilidad de la piel en uso.
Simultáneamente con la nutrición, la piel es impregnada. Con ello, la prenda  llega a tener una protección waterproof against rain, but the drops of water and stains can not indecent. The fur is already completed for use against weather and atmospheric agents.
The disturbance caused by wear and the environment, coupled with the discoloration caused during washing, leading to color matching on inequalities and color cooled by spray application spray type metal complex dyes, achieving a uniformity in tone, as well as a color fastness to rubbing and light.
Although you can make invisible all traces of wear, "because even the best coach faced with the limits imposed by the terms of use and the various features of each leather-renewal and restoration can be surprisingly feasible to achieve in this company devoted almost exclusively to the cleaning of all types of leather garments.
all found in experienced hands
Comecial CENTER Megacenter
store Jiron Bolognesi 364 107-Magdalena del Mar
side of Scotiabank
height of 36 and 37 of the av.brasil
phone .. 7872880
movistar .. 995067877

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Do You Know When A Tooth Implant Is Failing?

repair leather clothing ... the best

In the process of repair of leather clothing, we can say that our bill is of the highest quality so that all those changes are made ... shall be made, properly repair the reduction or that reality will always be imperceptible is the one that characterizes us, full customer satisfaction . they do not forget that the best publicity is that which is transmitted by reference

what is promised
There is a saying that "promise not impoverished, if not economically if it does so in confidence. When one promises and fails, people stop believing in what we say and rarely are aware of the impact of our words, but people do it for our actions.

The difference is that people will notice that we fulfill what we said.

If a company defaults on its commitments experiences with customers, downtime increases, but continued dissatisfaction with the service received, as it takes time to regain customers. That is, with the best possible service attitude, a high level of noncompliance prevent you from giving the results you need.

What is clear is that a client will take into account the promise of service to plan your next purchases and, as today the weather becomes more scarce, the compliance factor takes on added importance because the promise right timely and will allow you to optimize your time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gym Teacher In Shower With Student


Very pleased with the great reception of our services Dyed Fine Leather & Chamois which we do with absolute quality and accountability washing and returning the original color to keep the fleece garments in the case of chamois
The soft feel of smooth leather garments, materials first. repairs modifications, engravings and color changes , softening, changing pads, collars, dyed fine footwear, shoes . Purses of leather or suede ... and many more accessories.
always quality since 1991 are located in the heart of Magdalena del Mar
Mall Megacenter
Jiron Bolognesi 364 107 store
Magdalena del Mar
(side of the scotiabank )
phone 7872880
9-9506-7877 Movistar
9.901-47-707 workshops
! 19 years of experience at your service!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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When testing these cheese cookies, they'll love. The cheese crackers are a tasty snack, great for sharing in a meeting, as snack when we met with friends to watch a football game or a movie. The great thing about these cheese cookies is that they are very easy and quick to prepare, in addition to being very tasty, so it can be served alone as they are delicious. We highly recommend performing the recipe , then tell me as I left, I'm sure the recipes included in the header.

Galletitas de queso
Recipe Ingredients:

- 1 cup butter
- 2 cups grated cheese
- 2 and ½ cup flour

Recipe Preparation:
- Connect all the ingredients.
- Stretch without kneading.
- Walking with a short-form mass that we like.
- Place on a baking sheet without Grease.
- Carry oven to 205 º C about 10 minutes or until just take color.

Quantity: 3 dozen approx.
- Although the amount of cheese cookies , we'll get will depend on the size of us to make cookies .

- If you have a short-mass we use the mouth of a glass or cup cakes can also strips the size that we like.
- The cheese crackers, very tasty and so are ideal for eating alone.
- It is important that the cheese we use is rich, since it is the ingredient that gives flavor to the cheese cookies .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Why Do Guys Grow There Pinky Nail

Cookies White Cake

The white cake, named after the color of the cake as it prepares , only with egg whites and not the yolks . This makes the white cake , ideal for those with cholesterol , or need a light diet .
Hope you like the white cake recipe and made to share in a rich healthy snack.

Torta Blanca
Recipe Ingredients:
- 125 grams of butter
- 1 cup sugar
- zest of 1 lemon
- 2 / 3 cups milk
- 1 ½ cup flour
- 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 egg whites

Recipe Preparation:
- Beat the butter with sugar until is a creamy .
- Add the lemon zest and milk , continue beating until the ingredients are integrated.
- Apart Sift flour and mix with baking powder.
- Incorporate flour mixture the above.
- Beat the egg whites .
- Incorporate clear to the mixture until well blended.
- Pour mixture into greased pan.
- Carry low oven for 1 hour.

- If you do not have lemon , we can replace the lemon zest , and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract .
- We can bathe white cake with an icing .
- With egg yolks, we can make this rich custard or pastry cream .

cake Recipes:
- Banana Cake
- Walnut Cake
- marble cake with chocolate and orange

Monday, November 15, 2010

Licesnse Required For Excavator Operator

The recipe lentil sauce, is a very simple and quick to prepare a dish with lentils , nutritious and tasty. The lentils are a legume highly appreciated by the large amount of nutrients they contain. These nutrients give the lentils many properties, such as help lower cholesterol. Besides the lentils are rich in easily absorbed iron, so that help prevent or improve the anemia. In addition to all nutritional qualities possessed by lentils, are also an economic food , so include lentils in our power is an excellent idea. So today I leave you with this tasty and nutritious recipe lentil sauce.

Lentejas en salsa

Recipe Ingredients:

- 2 cups of lentils
- 100 grams of bacon
- onion ½ cup chopped
- 2
potatoes - 2 tablespoons parsley
chopped - 2 tsp salt
- 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 tablespoon canned tomatoes
- 1 / 2 cup natural
tomatoes - 2 cups tomato juice

Recipe Preparation:
- partially cook the lentils . Strain and reserve lentils and cooking water .
- Chop the bacon in strips or small cubes.
- Chop potatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bin half. (Cut the slices of potatoes and then slices it in half.
- In a pan fry the bacon and onion .
- Add the potatoes cut.
- Add the parsley , the salt, the pepper the tomato preserves and natural tomatoes. Mix.
- Add the lentils partially cooked.
- Cook for about 15 minutes.
- If necessary be adding cooking water for lentils .
- Cook to evaporate the liquid part.

- The potatoes can be substituted for potatoes to which itch cubes, or diced carrots or a mixture of potatoes and carrots into cubes.
- If you want the dish can be served with white rice . Recipes

- Lentil Stew
- Butter Beans with tomato
- Boil pulses

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hyperthyroidism And Hyperhidrosis

dyed leather jackets, leather and professionals

de1991 Since May is dedicated to this specialty with excellent results, doing craft work really well in cleaning and in the subsequent restoration.
A good cleaning any piece of leather is achieved through a perfect balance between traditional dedication of the specialist and the selection of materials of the highest quality. Leather goods commonly used in general longer than tissue before taking to the cleaners, so the dirt sinks in deeper and holds more strongly.
Although any type of leather is a very strong material, all consecutive processes work must be coordinated to clean the damaged items with true dedication and thoroughly. Starting from the classification, control, and manual spotting prior to the basic cleaning process, each of the operations must be adapted to the specific characteristics of each variety of leathers.
And this is not very easy when you consider how many different kinds of finishes are submitted to the cleaners: pekari, napalan, nappa, nubuck, sheep leather, goat, lamb, venison, cabretilla, splits, satin Flotte, crazzy, etc. Certainly
properly clean leather
is a true work of specialists.
correct nutrition provides a touch dressings agradable, pero ante todo una alta durabilidad de la piel en uso.
Simultáneamente con la nutrición, la piel es impregnada. Con ello, la prenda  llega a tener una protección impermeable contra la lluvia, pero las gotas de agua ya no pueden producir manchas indecorosas. La prenda de piel ya se halla terminada para su utilización frente a la intemperie y agentes atmosféricos.
Las influencias producidas por el desgaste y el medio ambiente, sumada a la decoloración originada durante el lavado, llevan al igualado de color en las desigualdades y al refrescado del color, mediante la aplicación por pulverización tipo spray de colorantes de complejo metálico, lográndose una uniformidad en el tono, como así also rubbing fastness and light.
Although you can make invisible all traces of wear, "because even the best coach faced with the limits imposed by the terms of use and the various features of each leather-renewal and restoration can be surprisingly feasible to achieve in this company devoted almost exclusively to the cleaning of all types of leather garments.
all found in experienced hands
Comecial CENTER Megacenter
store Jiron Bolognesi 364 107-Magdalena del Mar
side of Scotiabank
height of 36 and 37 of the av.brasil
phone .. 7872880
movistar .. 995067877