National Strategy for Nicaragua
April 3.2009. On March 25, 2009, Mr. Nicolas Coto, Director of FOCARD-APS, held a meeting with staff of the Handwashing Initiative (ILM) in Costa Rica, comprising: Royden Alvarado, Mariano Zuñiga ( MINSA) and Maritza Alvarado and Gretel Corrales, representatives of the Institute of Aqueducts Costaricense and Sewers (AyA), in order to know their progress in the process of ILM in centromeric and know Handwashing Strategy, prepared for them.
The meeting acknowledged the efforts and the quality of work performed by the team in the preparation of this document, the next step requires the approval of the owner of health. Proactively LM Team Costa Rica has worked a proposed logo for the initiative and have committed to present two alternatives, which are then analyzed and validated by the authorities of AyA and MINSA, later to socialize with others LM teams of the countries in the region to adopt a logo propio que identifique la iniciativa.
Además de este aporte, el equipo de trabajo se compromete a promover esfuerzos para involucrar a otras instituciones y actores sociales dentro de la Iniciativa. Entre ellos se identifican los siguientes: Ministerio de Educación, La organización ALIARSE, la Caja del Seguro Social, la OPS y UNICEF.
Una de las primeras acciones con las que se espera arrancar la Iniciativa en ese país, es con la realización de dos estudios. El primero será una linea basal sobre estudio de comportamientos relacionados con las practicas higiénicas, enfocada en lavado de manos y manejo seguro del agua en el hogar en zonas rurales y periurbanas; y el segundo será la realización a study to determine the conditions at the national level about the potential for partnerships with the private sector.
The team also plans to start with the launch of the initiative in the month of October dates that marks the inter-American Water Day, and World Day handwashing (October 15).
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